“With over 35 years’ experience in the gas industry, we aim to provide a first-class service”.
Scotia Gas Care Ltd principally operates within the Independent Gas Transportation market, which has developed further such that we now have clients from the Utility Infrastructure Provider and Meter Asset Manager sectors. We have also expanded our business and now have clients from the Gas Transportation sector. Below are some of our clients with their comments regarding our performance on the existing and completed contracts.
SGN (Scotia Gas Networks) Manages the network that distributes natural and green gas to 5.9 million homes and businesses across Scotland and the south of England.

National Grid An international electricity and gas company and one of the largest investor-owned energy companies in the world. We play a vital role in providing energy to millions of customers across Great Britain and the Northeast US in an efficient, reliable and safe manner.
Bord Gáis Energy Is a dual-fuel, all-island business that serves over 900,000 gas and electricity customers, with related activities including call centre management, billing and sales and marketing. It also provides appliance servicing products to customers. It serves over 600,000 gas customers and 300,000 electricity customers.

FULCRUM Fulcrum is a leading provider of utility infrastructure and services, nationwide Operating across the UK, and with a direct delivery model, we’re committed to using the capabilities and experience of our Group businesses to play an essential part in delivering the UK’s smart energy revolution and net-zero future.
ESP ESP Utilities Group is one of the UK’s largest and longest established Independent Gas Transporters (IGT) and Independent Distribution Network Operators (IDNO), which means we own and operate gas and electricity networks, as well as gas smart meters.

Last Mile Last Mile Asset Management is a national connections adoption company, working with Independent Connections Providers (ICPs) to deliver value from newly constructed assets. We aim to provide a simple & quick service from quoting to construction to supporting your onsite activities.
The Gas Transportation Company (GTC) Is an independent utility infrastructure and networks provider widely recognised as an experienced provider of utility solutions to national builders and developers, regional builders, consultants, landowners and land developers with over 700,000 contracted gas and electricity utility connections.

Energetics Gas, Design & Build Will make permanent repairs to any faults, make network alterations and, where required, accommodate new connections or alterations to existing supply points.We operate and maintain the equipment that ensures your gas supply provides the energy you require to heat your home, factory or favourite shop.
Mailing Address:
St Leonard’s Mill St Leonard's Place,
Phone: 01592 890 000
Outside UK
please call +44 1592 890 000